A Parable for Politicians and Voters
Authors: Elaine Kamper,
and David Kamper
2016, the year of extensive election campaigning in the United States, thoughtful analysis needs to be applied to the candidates running for office.
The foundational principles of United States democracy are Liberty and Freedom. They are dependent on Honesty and Trust. These two virtues are written about in the Bible. Jesus Christ elaborates on this in a parable found in Luke (16:1-15). At the end of this parable is found the quote “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who can trust you with the true riches of heaven? No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other."
In life, one has to be Honorable at all times, especially to promises which one is sworn to uphold while in political office, whether it be a village manager, serving in a cabinet post, or as president. One has to avoid using a political position for the purpose of self aggrandizement. Doling out public money for personal benefit or even for reelection purposes, is a case of true quid pro quo corruption. We are experiencing that type of corruption currently by not following the Constitution nor enacted laws and rules that were promised to be upheld at inauguration, “so help me God,” when sworn with hand on the Bible.
To ignore is a violation of the promises and duties to keep the country and all American citizens everywhere safe; and, to not do so is a dereliction of resposibilities and duties. Consider the Benghazi debacle. Who has been held responsible and punished?
When elected one has to serve the local community, county, state, or country but not the second master, the self. If one cannot be trusted to carry out one's promises and duties how can such candidates be trusted to do so in future elections? Once deception, dishonesty and dereliction of duty occur one's reputation is not only soiled but destroyed whether it is in minor transgressions or major efforts and events.
How can any politician run for office after not being honest or trustworthy?
Take heed voters, glean as much information as you can about a politician and especially his character then you will know which master is being served.